
Letters to the Editor: No, Tim Scott isn’t the principled Republican we’ve been waiting for

Senator Tim Scott
Sen. Tim Scott, seen in Washington on Feb. 9, announced his presidential candidacy on May 22.
(Kent Nishimura / Los Angeles Times)
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To the editor: Normally, I am in agreement with LZ Granderson’s columns. However, his praise of presidential candidate Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) rings hollow.

Simply because Scott is not loud and obnoxious does not mean that he hearkens back to a more traditional GOP. One only needs to review his record to see that he is, in substance, no different than his colleagues.

Scott sunk the efforts to pass federal legislation to set minimum standards for policing, claiming he could not support limiting qualified immunity for cops. Apparently, he wants us taxpayers to foot the bill every time a police officer goes rogue.


Scott has been as quiet as a church mouse regarding former President Trump’s seditionist actions. In 1974, Republican Sens. Barry Goldwater and Hugh Scott (no relation) told President Nixon that he needed to resign or he would be impeached. In contrast, Scott voted twice against convicting Trump after he was impeached.

Real leaders take stands on the important issues of the day. Scott sticks his fingers in the air to see which way the wind is blowing.

Andrew C. Sigal, Valley Village


To the editor: Scott would be a huge improvement over both Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Trump for the White House.


But anyone who nails a copy of the Ten Commandments outside a county administrative building (as he did in the 1990s), and then justifies it on the basis that America is a Christian country, has a poor understanding of American history, not much respect for the U.S. Constitution, and even less respect for his fellow citizens who are not Christian.

Gordon J. Louttit, Manhattan Beach
