
Letters to the Editor: Mr. Trump, please don’t run. The nation needs healing, not you

Former President Trump speaks at a rally in Latrobe, Pa., on Nov. 5.
(Jacqueline Larma / Associated Press)
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To the editor: Former President Trump, please don’t run in 2024. (“Independents may not like Biden, but they abhor Trump,” Opinion, Nov. 11)

We as a nation need to stop the hate. We need leaders who work together to solve problems. We need leaders who will support our Constitution by using reasonable conservative principals, not by name calling and bullying.

Mr. Trump, please don’t run, because there are too many issues that need solving. I believe, as you do, that we need a border wall. I know some Democrats want that too, but they will not vote for it because it was one of your central proposals.


Mr. Trump, please don’t run, but help elect other, fresher Republicans. Let’s go back to campaigns that emphasize the positive things a candidate wants to accomplish.

We need to reestablish our FBI, Department of Justice and Supreme Court as non-political entities. But with you as president, that will not happen.

Each of us needs to sacrifice, and I know this is asking a big sacrifice from you. Please help stop the hate. You can lead the way.


So please, Mr. Trump, don’t run.

Ron Perry, Canyon Country


To the editor: So Scott Jennings thinks his Republican Party is moving on from its master? The one they created? Might be tricky when more than half of them think he’s the legitimate president.

Now that Trump is seen as a wounded animal, these brave sycophants gather to go in for the kill. Such courage. Such moral clarity.

Guess what? He’s not done. His fire-breathing fury will turn on them, first, and then on the country that dared defy him. He has every intention of burning the house down.


Pass the popcorn.

Melissa Verdugo, Rancho Palos Verdes


To the editor: Jennings is politically tone deaf in trying to understand why independent voters didn’t vote for Republicans based on the adverse economic data he listed.

As an indie, I can easily explain his befuddlement. For some reason, he ignored not one but two elephants in the room: the Dobbs decision and the threat that his party poses to democracy.

Republicans like Jennings are truly oblivious to the events of Jan. 6, the election deniers and how we don’t like government meddling in women’s private medical decisions. While economic data wax and wane, I see the GOP as an existential threat to our country.

Mark Chipman, San Diego


To the editor: Why have Republicans clung to their disastrous dependence on Trump? Because they fear they have no other viable political identity.

The price for them has been high. As a biblical prophet said, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” More narrowly, where it has no vision, a political party perishes.

By contrast, President Biden may seem to be just bumbling along, yet somehow in the end he comes out on the right side of history and politics.


Glenn Pascall, Dana Point
