
Letters to the Editor: Republicans whine about anti-white racism. Who’s being a snowflake?

Fox News host Tucker Carlson has  said Democrats are "anti-white."
Fox News host Tucker Carlson, seen in Hungary in 2021, has said Democrats are “openly and very aggressively anti-white.”
(Janos Kummer / Getty Images)

To the editor: Jean Guerrero’s column on how the GOP has changed from claiming itself “color blind” to whining about “anti-white” racism makes these Republicans sound a lot like the “snowflakes” they like to mock — as long as these snowflakes are people of color or others who’ve had actual injustices perpetrated against them.

As my 35-year-old daughter, now living in and loving Montana, asks anyone there who complains about the government and their white rights being trampled:

“What has the government actually done to you that’s so terrible? My Japanese American family was imprisoned in internment camps for three years, besides losing virtually everything they owned.”


And our family got off easy compared to what other Americans have suffered for centuries.

It is both amusing and sad that the GOP has no empathy for those who were terribly wronged in the past and are still feeling its effects to this day, but it can’t handle Americans being expected to simply better understand and acknowledge racism in this country in order to right these ongoing wrongs.

So who’s the real snowflake here?

Pauline Hayashigawa-Flanders, Whittier


To the editor: This is just another excellent column by Guerrero. She explains the issues of racism clearly and thoroughly.

This is why she adds valuable racial depth to your newspaper. I am so proud of her and The Times.


Rogelio Quesada, San Diego
