
Letters: Guns and revolutionary thinking

Re “Dorner case shows folly of armed fight with government,” Column, Feb. 14

George Skelton’s conclusion from the Dorner affair that armed Americans could never successfully fight their government is contrary to what transpired. At the most base level, Dorner won: He killed two officers, but the police only got one. Further, if Dorner was indeed hiding within line of sight of the search command center in Big Bear, he could have killed more.

Of even greater significance is the psychological victory Dorner had over the LAPD. One man versus roughly 10,000, and L.A.’s finest were shooting newspaper carriers.


Finally, the Revolutionary War was not fought against a foreign power, as Skelton writes. It was fought against the ruling government. That’s why it was called a revolution.

Anthony Maenza

Huntington Beach

It is rare in today’s politically and economically challenging times to find anything that any of us totally agree with. I found that in Skelton’s column.

These gun-toting martyrs need to learn that this country was founded and has survived nearly 240 years on a majority-rules system. People who don’t accept such results have the right to disagree, but they do not have the right to break the law.


Doug Wheeler

Manhattan Beach


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