
Letters: California’s missed chance on marriage

Supporters of same-sex marriage rally outside Utah's Capitol in Salt Lake City on Tuesday.
(George Frey / Getty Images)

Re “Gay marriage, in court again,” Editorial, Jan. 29

With the Proposition 8 case last year, the Supreme Court might well have been forced to rule on the constitutionality of same-sex marriage bans. Instead, Gov. Jerry Brown and Atty. Gen. Kamala Harris refused to do their duty and defend the law, thus giving the justices an easy out by finding that those arguing for Proposition 8 had no standing.

Perhaps Brown and Harris could have kept their hands clean with the appointment of a special counsel to represent the 52% of voters who passed the proposition. The result was frustrating for everyone.

Here we are now, with cases from Utah and Oklahoma likely to go before the court soon. Little has been resolved.


David R. Gillespie

Bonita, Calif.


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