
Letters: Women and the vote

Re “Obama, Romney battle for female voters,” News Analysis, Oct. 18

Contrary to Mitt Romney’s assertion, his gubernatorial administration in Massachusetts did not seek out women the way he said in last week’s debate. The nonpartisan Massachusetts Women’s Political Caucus says that it instigated the process of bringing more women into state government.

Also, according to the Massachusetts Government Appointments Project, which was founded to address the issue of the under-representation of women in appointed positions in Massachusetts, prior to Romney taking office, the number of women occupying senior-level positions was about 30%. By 2004, 42% of the new appointments made by the Romney administration were women. However, from 2004-06 the percentage of newly appointed women in these senior appointed positions dropped to 25%.


The truth is that the percentage of high-level female appointees decreased by the end of Romney’s term.

Liz White

Los Angeles

I find it interesting that the president has seized on the “binders full of women” comment by Romney to point out that the governor is out of touch with women.

I find it commendable that Romney made an effort to seek out people, in this case women, with different opinions and new ideas to fill his cabinet rather than to fill it with yes-men and old cronies.


Kellie Krager

West Covina

The Times reports that women’s issues are back at the forefront of the presidential campaign. Actually, these issues have made up the context of the campaign ever since Romney became the GOP standard bearer. His views make next month’s choice easy: Which candidate will select Supreme Court justices who respect Roe vs. Wade?

Note to Republican ladies: You don’t have to tell your husband that you support President Obama.

Gerald Sutliff


If an employer can hire a qualified woman for the exact same work at three-quarters the pay of a man, then why are any men ever hired? Perhaps it’s that many women make less because, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, they work fewer hours. This is by choice so they have more time with their families.


There are plenty of laws on the books preventing workplace discrimination. We don’t need more, only consistent enforcement.

Lisa Niedenthal

Los Angeles


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