
Letters: Licensing pet groomers

Re “Bill would create state certification for pet groomers,” Business, July 7

As a small-business owner, I agree that licensing for certain trades is essential. When a stranger shows up to fix a plumbing or electrical problem, knowing that person is licensed and insured is comforting.

But when you drop your dog off at the neighborhood groomer for a bath and a trim, the relationship you have established with that person should be one of confidence and trust and not regulated by anyone else. And if you do not have faith in the person you leave your precious pet with for a few hours, you should think about going elsewhere.


Andrea Williams

La Crescenta

It doesn’t require much intelligence to see that Johnny Ray and Jose Miguel Nunez are precisely the people who should be required to earn a “dog grooming certification.” Any so-called groomer who would dye a dog pink and blue, making it look like a stuffed animal, should be made to learn what grooming actually means.

Likewise, those who would allow their dogs to be dyed should buy themselves a stuffed toy rather than subjecting the poor animals to the abuse of such unnecessary and demeaning treatment.

Sylvia Lewis Gunning

Thousand Oaks


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