
Letters: Writing by the software ‘book’

Re “Does my writing compute?,” Editorial, May 6

Whether this letter is published in The Times depends entirely on the judgment of the editor, who has spent years developing the expertise to evaluate written expression. The same process takes place in the classroom when a teacher grades an essay.

No computer software can ever take the place of the wherewithal they respectively bring to their work.


Walt Gardner

Los Angeles

The writer is the author of Education Week’s Reality Check blog.

I would like to see how software packages designed to improve students’ writing skills would treat stories by authors such as J.R.R. Tolkien, J.K. Rowling, Agatha Christie or Barbara Cartland — authors whom millions have enjoyed and who in some cases have introduced people to a lifelong love of reading.

I would guess all would “fail” to meet the software’s standard of mediocrity.

Jamie Dimmel

Los Angeles


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