
Japan Earthquake: YouTube news videos show damage, massive tsunami

Los Angeles Times Staff Writer

An 8.9 earthquake has struck Japan, taking the lives of hundreds of people and being followed by a tsunami with frighteningly high tidal waves.

Here’s a bit of video posted by news organizations on YouTube, owned by Google, displaying some of the natural disaster.

Tsunami slams Japanese coast after quake, from the Associated Press on YouTube


Giant tsunami eats boat as earthquake hits Japan, from RussiaToday on YouTube

Scientist Describes Tsunami Danger, from the Associated Press on YouTube

Raw Video: Tsunami reaches Hawaii, from the Associated Press on YouTube



Small waves from tsunami likely to hit California on Friday morning; beaches might be cleared

8.9 earthquake kills hundreds in Japan; massive tsunami threatens Pacific Rim

Japan nuclear site declares state of emergency after quake


In Hawaii: Tsunami waves hitting not unusually high

Size of Japan’s quake surprises seismologists

-- Nathan Olivarez-Giles
