
Do you know someone who’s had difficulty getting mental healthcare?

One in five Americans suffered from a mental health condition in the past year, according to federal data.

Click the box to share your story.

But the U.S. has long struggled with a patchwork system of mental healthcare that leaves tens of millions of people without access to vital services. By one estimate, more than half of U.S. adults with a mental illness don’t receive treatment. 

We’re looking into the many barriers patients face as they seek care. Maybe it is trouble finding a psychiatrist or residential care. Maybe it is dealing with a health insurer that denies coverage. Perhaps it is an unaffordable medical bill.

If you know someone who's had trouble getting needed care, we invite you to share your story here. The information you provide is for our reporting only, and we will contact you before publishing your name or comments. By telling us your story, however, you will help us focus our reporting on the most important issues facing vulnerable patients. Thank you.
