Janet Eisner, a four-year resident of Villa Valentino in Hollywood, stands outside an apartment that has a note from a tenant warning a moving company not to remove any items. The new owner of the circa-1920s apartment complex has tried to evict residents, claiming the building has no safe water, no proper security, a rodent and termite infestation and a carbon monoxide leak. Residents say that isn’t true and are fighting to stay. (Genaro Molina / Los Angeles Times)
Regina Johnson, a 12-year tenant at Villa Valentino, pets her cat, Flynn, from a courtyard inside the apartment complex. It was clear we were being tricked into voluntarily evicting ourselves, she said. (Genaro Molina / Los Angeles Times)
Tenants at Villa Valentino are not allowed to use the washers and dryers, which are taped off. (Genaro Molina / Los Angeles Times)