
Front page: Los Angeles Times | Sunday, August 3, 2014

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Donald Sterling's empire unravels by his own words

Nathan Fenno, Kim Christensen and James Rainey recount the rise and fall of Donald Sterling's empire as his increasingly erratic and caustic behavior ultimately cost him his Los Angeles Clippers franchise in a legal fight with his wife. Read the story

Behind falling unemployment rates, the 'gray economy' of the underemployed remains strong

Tiffany Hsu, who covers the Californian economy, writes about the reality of the "gray economy," which consists of workers who are either jobless, discouraged to find work, working less than they would like or in off-the-book jobs. With 16.2% of Californians in this "purgatory," it is the highest rate in the country.Read the story

American physician with Ebola virus arrives in Atlanta for treatment

Tina Susman, who has been covering the Ebola epidemic in West Africa, reports the arrival of Dr. Kent Brantly into a Atlanta hospital amid high security. Brantly, who contracted the deadly virus while treating patients in Liberia, was flown overnight to Atlanta. Read the story

India's river development beautifies a city, leaves slum dwellers worse off

Shashank Bengali, the Times' South Asia correspondent, writes about how the Sabarmati riverfront project has razed slums in the name of economic development and beautification. Read the story

NASA braces Mars orbiters for close comet flyby in October

Deborah Netburn, who reports on science, writes on how high-speed dust particles hanging on the coattails of Comet Siding Spring has NASA worried about its Mars spacecrafts. Traveling at 35 miles per second, these dust particles can leave significant damage to orbiters worth billions of dollars. Read the story
