
Carrot Top

With his droopy trousers and hairdo styled by a monkey with an eggbeater, Carrot Top hardly looks the part of the successful Vegas headliner. But underneath that unruly mop lurks the mind of a prop-comedy genius. There’s the Amish blow dryer (a flexible hose — blow in one end, point the other at your hair), the redneck Kindle (a piece of glass over an open book), the Kardashian marriage certificate (it comes with a built-in timer) and the Hooter’s job application (a piece of cardboard with two holes that you “just fill out”). It’s ridiculously funny and sometimes just ridiculous, but always a good time.

Nightly (except Tuesday), 8:30 p.m.
Dark June 26 to July 5 and Aug. 7 to 14Carrot Top
Luxor Las Vegas
3900 Las Vegas Blvd., South
Starting at $49.95

—Anne Burke, Custom Publishing Writer
