
Live Blog Example 1

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Florida’s tight governor’s race: For this tight race, more voters cast their ballots

In the state that gave us hanging chads, polls indicated that tonight’s gubernatorial election would be a nail-biter. And initial numbes show that voters responded. XX voted early and XX voted before polls closed today. Lines stretched for XX at some precincts. See the photos below:

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Ballot initiative: Did Maine decide to ban certain bear hunting methods?

A black bear cub paces through the foothills of Monrovia.
(Rudy Libra)

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NO. About XX percentage of Maine voters, when asked whether the state should prevent bear hunters from using use bait, traps and dogs to kill bears, said no. Maine will remain the only state in the continental U.S. to allow such methods.

Opponents of the initiative cited Maine's very large black bear population as part of the reason to oppose the ban.


Oregon voters approve marijuana measure

The state joins Colorado and Washington in legalizing recreational use of marijuana. Washington DC and Alaska are also voting on similar measures today. California voters could be faced with that decision in 2016.

If it's California, it's all about water

Clint Johnson's boys Evan, 9, and Nick, 12, behind him, help fill a barrel with nonpotable water provided so East Porterville residents can at least bathe and flush their toilets.
Clint Johnson’s boys Evan, 9, and Nick, 12, behind him, help fill a barrel with nonpotable water provided so East Porterville residents can at least bathe and flush their toilets.
(Michael Robinson Chavez / Los Angeles Times)

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Here’s everything you need to know about Prop 1, the water bond that would allow the state to borrow and repurpose billions of dollars for contamination cleanup, recycling and much more.

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