
How to make your favorite Girl Scout cookies at home

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For many of us, Girl Scout cookies are a treat that we look forward to all year. Whether you love their sweet and salty peanut butter sandwich cookies (Do-si-dos) or the chocolate-drizzled cookies topped with toasted coconut and gooey caramel (Samoas), everyone has a favorite that they stock up on when the Girl Scouts start taking orders. But what do you do when you’ve eaten your last Thin Mint and there’s nothing but crumbs left in the package? Why not make your own?

Click here to see How to Make Your Favorite Girl Scout Cookies at Home Gallery

These delicious cookies, available just six short weeks out of the year, debuted in 1917 when the Girl Scouts baked one flavor of cookies in their own homes to be sold door-to-door. (The recipe for the original cookie can still be found on the Girl Scouts website.) The concept behind the cookies was to teach members about business and entrepreneurship while simultaneously raising funds for their troop activities. The cookies were incredibly popular, and in 1936 their production was outsourced.


Throughout the years, many different flavors have come and gone (does anyone remember the Lemon Chalet Cremes or chocolate-covered, caramel-filled Juliettes?) but a few remain as staples: Thin Mints, Do-si-dos, and shortbread Trefoils are the best-selling varieties. The Girl Scouts continue to add new flavors, including whole-grain Cranberry Citrus Crisps and gluten-free Trios (a chocolate chip, peanut butter, and oatmeal cookie made with gluten-free oats).

If you’re crazy about these delicious cookies and aren’t sure if you can wait another year to order more, read on: we’ve rounded up some recipes that come pretty close to the originals.

Kristie Collado contributed to this story.

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