
This student’s Hershey’s chocolate bar thank-you-note/resume is amazing

Design student Matthew Hirsch wants you to remember him. When he was tasked with creating a thank you for some creative directors during a summer class, he decided to use a little chocolate.

Hirsch, of Grand Rapids, Mich., created a “Hirschy’s Bar” thank-you-note/resume with a Hershey’s Bar and a custom-printed label, essentially ruining thank-you notes and resumes for everyone.

“I chose a chocolate bar because of the tie to Hershey’s,” said Hirsch. “Ever since I was young, my nickname was Hirschy, so when I had to come up with a creative resume/thank you for my summer class, it’s what first came to mind.”


The bars feature “Hirschy’s Bar” printed on the label as well as the words “milk chocolate thank you” and “since 1991,” the year he was born. On the back, in place of the nutrition facts, Hirsch printed his personal facts with his full name, where he went to school and his degree.

If you read the percentage daily value listings carefully, you’ll see the bar has 101% motivation, 111% work ethic, 66% Photoshop, 55% Spanish, 93% creativity and more. Listed as the ingredients are his different skills. And if you’ve got any questions, his email is listed and the numbers in the barcode are his phone number.

Hirsch says he designs and prints the labels himself and simply replaces the Hershey’s label with his own.


Some may argue the chocolate bar idea isn’t as great as the resume that a Canadian man printed on a four-pack of beer earlier this year. Those who live to unwrap a piece of chocolate will just have to politely disagree.

The smell of chocolate makes me happy. Follow me on Twitter @Jenn_Harris
