Jamesa Nikiema, chief executive of Rebirth of Chic, of Corona, shows off one of her modern Islamic designs for women. She is wearing a ruffled high-collared blouse and crochet vest with a “bubble and flow’ applique skirt. (Gina Ferazzi / Los Angeles Times)
Amani Bibi models a design by Jamesa Nikiema of Rebirth of Chic. The top is a gathered leaf-green cotton blouse. (Gina Ferazzi / Los Angeles Times)
Sama Wareh incorporates head scarves into fashionable outfits. (Christina House / For The Times)
Sama Wareh has a style all her own, drawing inspiration from a variety of sources. A Muslim, she keeps it modest by incorporating head scarves into her outfits. (Christina House / For The Times)