More than any other show on prime time, “Lost” delivers a little something for everyone. It’s a little science fiction, a little mystery, a little adventure, a little melodrama and a little comedy -- chances are you connect with certain elements and tolerate the rest. And true to that eclectic mix of genres, “Lost’s” creators have publicly acknowledged the diversity of their inspirations in creating the sprawling series. Did that character’s name sound familiar? Chances are you’ve come across it before, in another form. Here are a few of the series’ more prominent pop cultural forebears. (Mario Perez / Associated Press)
Several of the horror masters bestsellers have found a place in the Lost narrative, either as influence or as props. The survivor/Other rivalry is reminiscent of the rival groups of survivors in Kings post-apocalyptic The Stand. And Charlie (Dominic Monaghan), the heroin-addicted musician, bears a strong resemblance to Larry Underwood, Kings similarly addicted musician in The Stand. The Others used Carrie as their book club selection and the young girls psychic powers may be reminiscent of possible mind powers possessed by Walt and Ben. Additionally, the interconnectedness of the main characters pre-island lives recalls the cohesiveness King used in his Dark Tower series to draw his literary works together. (Peter Kramer / AP)