Click through to see the many faces of Comic-Con 2014.
Mike Cukingnan of Los Angeles is the Mad Scientist and Chris Monfiletto is Robot Chicken. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Katie Sparks is Black Cat. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Rani Noble of Phoenix is Lara Croft and Grace Anna Noble of Phoenix, reflected in her sunglasses, is Maleficent. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Grace Anna Noble of Phoenix is Maleficent. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Scarlett Nixie of San Francisco is Phoenix. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Rebecca and Charles Retkin of Chula Vista are vintage Captain America. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Micah Lee is Edward Scissorhands. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Juergen Langenbach is surrounded by Kilngons Brett Kenney and Dennis Hanon. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Russell Fung of Los Angeles is the Red Ranger. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Kate Bishop is dressed as Hawkeye. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Anthony Knight of San Diego is Caius of “Final Fantasy.” (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Brenadette Bentley is Xena, Warrior Princess. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Madison and Kayleigh Neal of Los Angeles are Sailor Moon characters. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Annie and Richard Andelfinger of Arizona are Plants vs. Zombies. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Keeleigh West is Castiel from the show “Supernatural.” (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Claire Elizabeth Oldham of Orange County is Zombie Dorothy. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Liz Brodish is Mey-Rin from “Black Butler.” (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Omar Escobar is a character from the video game “Assassin’s Creed.” (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Jennifer is Celty. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Krista Thornton of Seattle is Wonder Woman. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Arron and Jeff Teel are Jesse Pinkman and Walter White from “Breaking Bad.” (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Jesus Janes is Emperor Kuzco. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Diane Teel of Palm Springs is a minion from “Despicable Me.” (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Alexandra Cain from Santa Monica. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Trena Brown is alien warrior Gamora from “Guardians of the Galaxy.” (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Kristina Slay of San Diego is Merida from the movie “Brave.” (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Kiki Dension is dressed as Jessica Rabbit. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Michael Sharr of Ontario is Death from “Pretty Deadly.” (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Ryan Holmes is Golden Age Flash. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Ruth Ajuzie is dressed as Storm. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Shannon Kiang is Mulan. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Dharnisha Jayasundesg is Connor and Melinda Dudley is Fazio from the video game “Assassin’s Creed.” (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Jaden Marcus, 11, is Hiccup and Haley Lindsay, 12, is Nightshade the Dragon. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Ricardo Uribe Estupinan and Paola Marchnez Naitelo are Thor and Lady Loki. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
An attendee dressed as Mary Poppins. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Nicole Roberts of Van Nuys is Ursula the Sea Witch. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Alex Daniel and Cash Branson of Cincinnati are The Mountain and The Viper from “Game of Thrones.” (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Jim and Linda Holman are characters from the movie “Up.” (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Christain Higen is Green Arrow. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Chino’s Oliver Gatson is Static Shock and daughter Arielle Gatson as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Sakokais Maracle and Brian Vanderpas are Tonto and the Lone Ranger. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
From left: Tujunga, Mexico’s Jorge Guevara as Winter Soldier, Alex Guzman as Harley Quinn and Alejandro Seulla as Red Hood. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Natalie Kulhanek is Splicer from “Bioshock.” (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
From left, John Vasquez as Deadpool, Max Vo as Deadpool, Collan Haywood as Captain America and A.J. Vasquez as Deadpool. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Aleu Moana is Princess Tiana. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Alejandrea Higuera of San Diego is Wonder Woman. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Jennifer Payne is Soraka from “League of Legends.” (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Beth Adams, dressed as Elsa, clowns around with boyfriend Connor Breen, dressed as Prince Hans. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Sean Underwood of San Diego is Green Arrow. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Reena Misura of Sacramento is Red Riding Hood. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Erick Ramirez is Superman. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Jessica and Geoffrey Staebbins are characters from “Dragon Age.” (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Daniel Madruga is dressed as Maleficent. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Aldo Cos is Green Lantern. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Terry Harp of El Cajos is a steampunker. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Allen Amis of Phoenix is Samurai Boba Fett. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Breeanna Gergen of San Diego is Nonon Jakuzure. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Angela Summers is Callidora the Vampire. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Sara Milne from Escondido is Harley Quinn from Batman. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Joni Januszewski, Autumn Januszewski and Jay Gerber are the Flintstones. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Travis Wadlow of Modesto is the Punisher. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
T.T. Riojas from Union City, Calif., is Dr. Strange. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Lainey Ticer is Black Widow and J. Ticer is Captain America. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Mario Reynose of Simi Valley is Dante from the video game “Devil May Cry.” (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Victoria Jean DeBoer of Oceanside is the Red Queen. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
From Costa Mesa, Gracie Brestel is Fox Luigi and sister Marcy Dailey is Racoon Mario. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Faisal Bhabha from Toronto is dressed as Mojo Jojo. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
T.J. Parks from Pennsylvania. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Linda James and Richard Sack-Wilner of Fort Bragg, Calif., are a steampunker and Anakin Skywalker. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Renata Lindroos is Baby Bonnie Hood from “Darkstalkers.” (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
James LaBorde of Baton Rouge, La., came as the Swamp Thing. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Madison Campbell from St. Petersburg, Fla., is Darach. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Will Romine of Florida is Adam Strange. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
From left: Richard, Christine, Nichole and Ann Andelfinger from Phoenix. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
From Duncan, Canada, Jazmyn Mari is Novice Hame and Vivian Avaline Stawala is Queen Chrysalis. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Sydney Humphreys of San Diego is Lucina from “Fire Emblem.” (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
San Diego natives 11-year-old Alex Cordy is Meelo and 13-year-old Megan Decker is Jinora from “Legend of Korra.” (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Ayannah Mers of Michigan is fairy Silvermist. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Seven-year-old Jasmine Pham of San Francisco is a pirate. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Donna Martello of Escondido is Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter series. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Alarie Martin is Titan Medic and Ashley Murphy is Ezio from “Assassin’s Creed.” (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Brett Yee of Rowland Heights is MegaMan. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Jennifer Copeland and Katie Batman from Phoenix are Navi and Zelda from “The Legend of Zelda.” (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Cody Wheeler of Temecula is a Knight Who Says “Ni!” from “Monty Python and the Holy Grail.” (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Anna Bowman of San Diego is Lady Deadpool. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Katie Straw (Catwoman), Brandon Straw (Captain America), Carolina Straw (USO dancer) and Megan Straw (She-Hulk). (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Mike Masso of San Diego is Spiderman. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
C.J. Wuthey from Auckland, New Zealand, and Janel Petch from Los Angeles are characters from the video game “Assassin’s Creed.” (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Alisha Bjorklund is dressed as Tardis from “Doctor Who.” (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Rebecca Grenier from Toronto is Zatanna. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Niall Westerfield of Cherry Valley is a character from “Naruto.” (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Karina Dash from London is Lollipop Chainsaw. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Jillian Bendixen from Seattle is Judge Mortis. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Jason Baker from San Diego as Rob Zombie’s Michael Myers from “Halloween 2.” (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Twins Jacob and Adam Quihuis are dressed as Wolverines. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Jordan Blake from Seattle is Judge Fear. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Aron Bush from Fort Worth is Rumpelstiltskin. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Andrew Yoon from New York is dressed as Kid Flash. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
Tiffany Kellbach from San Diego is Thor. (Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)