Best and worst of the Republican National Convention
By the staff of the Los Angeles Times
Best: Defining one-liners
“But when the cloud of rhetoric has passed, when the roar of the crowd fades away, when the stadium lights go out, and those Styrofoam Greek columns are hauled back to some studio lot, what exactly is our opponent’s plan? What does he actually seek to accomplish, after he’s done turning back the waters and healing the planet? Sarah Palin on Barack Obama
“I was just your average hockey mom, and signed up for the PTA because I wanted to make my kids’ public education better. You know the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull: lipstick.” Sarah Palin
I’m not a Republican because I grew up rich. I’m a Republican because I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life poor, waiting for the government to rescue me. Mike Huckabee
In the time the Oval Office has been in my trust, I have kept near my desk reminders of America’s character including a painting of a West Texas mountain lit by the morning sun. It reminds me that Americans have always lived on the sunrise side of the mountain. We are a nation that looks to the new day with confidence and optimism. I am optimistic about our future, because I believe in the goodness and wisdom of the American people. George W. Bush(All Associated Press, except Rudy Giuliani / Getty Images)
Highlights and lowlights from John McCain, Sarah Palin and George Bush.
Best: Barack Obamas classy reaction to Bristol Palins pregnancy
It didnt stay secret for long. Just days after she was named Sen. John McCain‘s running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin revealed that her 17-year old daughter, Bristol, was pregnant.
Given Gov. Palins stress on family values and her support of abstinence-only education (in lieu of sex education) her unwed daughters pregnancy raised more than a few eyebrows. Instead of using the apparent disconnect between Palins life and her politics as fodder for attack ads, however, the Obama camp took the high road.
Obama told reporters on Monday, “People’s families are off-limits, and people’s children are especially off-limits. This shouldn’t be part of our politics. It has no relevance to Gov. Palin’s performance as a governor or her potential performance as a vice president.”
A decidedly dignified response to a sticky situation.
It was a great moment when former prisoners of war such as Bud Day (pictured) -- a retired U.S. Air Force colonel and McCain POW cellmate -- stood and were acknowledged on Day 2 by an enthusiastic crowd at the Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul, Minn. Whether the John McCain video was authentic or not, and that is being debated, these individuals deserved their applause.
-- Jevon Phillips (Scott Olson / Getty Images)
Worst: John Richs Raisin McCain performance
The election is just weeks away, and were still awaiting a decent song dedicated to one of the candidates. While John Rich, performing without his other half, Big, certainly tops Dave Stewart and his Obama ode, American Prayer, Rich’s Raisin McCain is still more silly than inspirational.
Granted, Raisin McCain has a solid groove, but the Republican candidate for president deserves better than a cute pun. And no matter how you slice or rhyme it, the word Vietnam just doesnt rock.
But the sleek, arrow-shaped Yee Haw guitar is kinda cool.
Todd Martens (Ron Edmonds / Associated Press)
Best: Rudzilla!
Look out, Tokyo!
Todd Martens (Alex Wong / Getty Images)
Best: Celebrity ‘Get Out and Vote’ activist
“Eagle Eye” actress Rosario Dawson has been out and about at both conventions, speaking to the Democratic Women’s Caucus and showing up on the floor of the Republican National Convention (here). She’s canvassed the country for her Voto Latino organization, urging Latinos to vote.
My grandmother voted, my mother voted, and they instilled in me the importance of making your voice be heard. Now, I am so excited my goddaughter aspires to be president, not the presidents wife, says Dawson on her website.
On Gov. Sarah Palins teenage daughters pregnancy:
Millions of American families are dealing with teenage pregnancy, and as long as society doesnt have to support the mother, father or baby, it is a personal matter. It is true that some Americans will judge Gov. Palin and her family, and for the sake of Gov. Palin and her family, we hope things calm down.
On Britney Spears’ teenage sister’s pregnancy:
Sixteen-year-old Jamie Lynn Spears is pregnant. The sister of Britney says she is shocked. I bet. Here, the blame falls primarily on the parents of the girl, who obviously have little control over her. Incredible.
Stephanie Lysaght (Ethan Miller / Getty Images for Comedy Central)