
Los Angeles Times redraws comics pages with five fresh titles

We’re excited to introduce five cartoons to our readers, beginning with the June 27 print edition and eNewspaper.

That’s the print kickoff for Tauhid Bondia’s popular online comic “Crabgrass,” which chronicles the high-spirited adventures of young BFFs Kevin and Miles. It will run every day. Award-winning cartoonist Liniers’ visually imaginative international hit “Macanudo” will also appear daily.

On Mondays through Saturdays, they’ll be joined by Sandra Bell-Lundy’s “Between Friends,” which follows middle-aged friends Maeve, Susan and Kimberly through the funny and poignant changes of their professional and personal lives; Donna Lewis’ “Reply All Lite,” which stars Lizzie, a successful career woman whose “inner fifth-grade voice” sometimes gets the best of her; and “Six Chix,” which showcases the distinct styles and wits of Isabella Bannerman, Bianca Xunise, Susan Camilleri Konar, Mary Lawton, Maritsa Patrinos and Stephanie Piro, who take turns drawing the strip.


These are the results of an overall review of the syndicated comics that The Times publishes, which we promised to readers after printing a “9 Chickweed Lane” strip Dec. 1 that contained an ethnic slur.

In the immediate aftermath, we permanently dropped “Chickweed,” temporarily replaced it with “Luann” and asked readers for input on The Times’ comics lineup. About a thousand of you responded. Thank you.

We then assembled a panel of Times staffers from across departments to review readers’ input and take an in-depth look at what our comics pages featured and what was available (some popular requests, such as “Calvin and Hobbes,” were not). Our goal was to bring you a dynamic and diverse mix.


To make room for new titles, we carefully considered what to remove. The panel evaluated criteria including reader support, frequency of new installments, instances of insensitivity and quality of content.

The Times is discontinuing Monday through Saturday reruns of “Doonesbury” (don’t worry -- the Sunday-only new strips will stay); seven-day reruns of “Get Fuzzy”; all seven days of “Prickly City”; and the Monday through Saturday “Argyle Sweater” and “Luann,” which were not in Sunday Comics.

But we’re not pulling the football away from Charlie Brown: The all-reruns “Peanuts” continues for kids of all ages.


The Times’ comics and puzzles pages run Monday through Friday in the Calendar section, Saturday in the California section, and Sunday in the Sunday Comics section.

We take the funny pages as seriously as you do, and we invite you to send feedback about these changes to [email protected].
