
Get Calendar Live on Vindigo®!

Wish you could take Calendar Live's restaurant and nightlife reviews with you when you're on the go? Now you can, with a mobile handheld device and Vindigo 2.0, software that's updated with our reviews whenever you sync!

Vindigo turns your PDA or Internet-enabled cell phone into a powerful personal navigator, providing a bird's eye view of the city that surrounds you.

What You'll Get:
• Calendar Live restaurant and nightlife reviews

• Ability to search by distance, name, rating, and cost

• Live arts and music listings with daily updates

• Restaurants, stores, bars, banks, and local services

• Movie show times and film reviews

• Full-color maps (if your device supports them) with pan and zoom

• Point-to-point directions and mass transit info for select cities

• Personalization features such as notes and bookmarks

• New content and features added throughout the year

Vindigo 2.0 is available for Palm Powered™ handhelds and Pocket PC computers for an annual subscription of $24.95. Try it out for the first month FREE!
