
Hobby Lobby, defying health law, refuses to cover morning-after pill

Hobby Lobby has said that it will defy the Affordable Care Act by refusing to provide insurance to workers that will cover contraceptives that its owners consider to be "abortion-causing drugs and devices."
(Tony Gutierrez / Associated Press)

After losing a last-minute appeal to the Supreme Court, craft chain Hobby Lobby will defy a federal healthcare mandate requiring employers to provide its workers with insurance that covers emergency contraceptives.

The Oklahoma City-based chain, which is owned by a conservative Christian family also with holdings in the religious bookseller Mardel Inc., had applied to the Supreme Court to block a part of the federal healthcare law ordering companies to offer insurance that covers contraceptive drugs including the morning-after pill.

After the court refused to block the mandate, a lawyer for Hobby Lobby said the Green family will defy the law and refuse to provide health coverage for contraception they considered to be “abortion-inducing.”


Hobby Lobby and Mardel could be fined as much as $1.3 million a day starting Tuesday.

“They’re not going to comply with the mandate,” Kyle Duncan, general counsel of the Beckett Fund for Religious Liberty, which represents the company, said in a statement. “They’re not going to offer coverage for abortion-inducing drugs in the insurance plan.”

At the time of their lawsuit, the Green family said certain types of contraception such as the morning-after pill and the week-after pill violated their religious beliefs against abortion.


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