
I paid off my smartphone: Why is my bill still high? [Video]

Columnist David Lazarus answers your consumer questions.

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Michael has owned his iPhone for more than two years. In other words, he figures he’s paid off the subsidy that AT&T ponied up when he agreed to a two-year contract. Yet Michael’s wireless bill hasn’t gone down.

Is that fair?

ASK LAZ: Smart answers to consumer questions

No, of course not. You’d think that once the total cost of the device has been covered, a user’s monthly bill would reflect that fact. But that’s typically not the case. Wireless companies, once they’ve got you on the hook, want to keep you on the hook.


And that means no discounts.

So what can you do? Check out today’s Ask Laz video for the answer.

If you have a consumer question, email me at [email protected] or contact me via Twitter using the hashtag #AskLaz.
