
Prop. 13, a seismic upgrade measure, passes by wide margin

Voters overwhelmingly gave themselves permission to make earthquake safety upgrades without triggering a property tax reassessment when they passed Proposition 13 on Tuesday.

Approved by 84.5% of voters, it was the least controversial of the five measures on the ballot. Put before voters by the Legislature and governor, it had no organized opposition.

Previously, buildings made of unreinforced brick and concrete blocks — among the most likely to fail in an earthquake — were subject to reassessment 15 years after seismic upgrades were completed. Proponents of Proposition 13 said that discouraged building owners from making proper improvements.

Among them was Tom Bordonaro, assessor for San Luis Obispo County. Bordonaro said he was troubled to learn after a 2003 earthquake in Paso Robles that some property owners who wished to make seismic safety upgrades to potentially dangerous buildings would incur bigger property tax bills.

A legislative analysis of the bill concluded that the cost of changing the law would be minimal.
