

As a white playwright it never occurred to me to select a director on the basis of race. I chose my director, the multitalented Ted Lange, for several plays, including “Moon Shine!” and “An Occasional Sin,” because he is a really wonderful director and it is a bonus that he is black. He understands not only comedy but that we humans are pretty much the same inside and out.

I have had great white directors and women directors and they all come to the theater with open minds and hearts. I encourage all of us to be more open and colorblind.

Sheldon Epps has done terrific work as artistic director of the Pasadena Playhouse, and he is really colorblind. Thank goodness.


Mary Willard



I found this article to be offensive. Should Christian directors be given Arthur Miller, Neil Simon and other Jewish playwrights’ work? The only question should be: Can this director interpret the playwright correctly?

Valerie Fields

Los Angeles
