
Coraline in a new world


Neil Gaiman

Coraline is a girl in a boring world with nothing to do. Then she finds a door that leads to another world that is perfect. She is never bored. It is wonderful -- at least she thinks it is. She becomes trapped in this world and there is no key to the door. How can she get out? Can she save the three children? Can she save herself and her mom and dad? Read the book to find out if she can do it.

Reviewed by Thea, 10,

Circle View School

Huntington Beach


“Curious George and the Firefighters”

H.A. Rey

A curious monkey named George lives in Africa. George meets a man with a yellow hat. The man decides to take George home with him. Later that day, after a good lunch, George falls asleep. George wakes up. The man is gone. And George accidentally calls the fire department. The fire department hurries to the house and finds out there is no fire. They take George to jail. Does he escape? Where is the man in the yellow hat?

I like this story because it is funny and teaches the lesson not to call the fire department unless it is an emergency.


Reviewed by Maria, 8

Charnock Road Elementary

Los Angeles


“The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”

Mark Twain

A mischievous 12-year-old orphan lives with his Aunt Polly and his half-brother Sid in the fictional town of St. Petersburg, Missouri. Tom becomes friends with an unwanted boy named Huckleberry Finn.

One night when Tom and Huck are in the graveyard, they witness a dreadful murder. The next day, a crowd gathers in the cemetery, and the criminal blames an innocent man for the wicked, vile death. Will the scoundrel plot a vendetta against Tom and Huck?

I recommend this awesome book because it is fast paced and full of adventure.

Reviewed by Griffin, 10

Tarbut V’Torah

