

Loved the “Terminator” article (“Powered by McG,” May 17), but as a journalist, Geoff Boucher has a responsibility to fairly gauge the sentiment and feelings about McG. Yet in the culture of late, there is this preoccupation with his name. We have no pretense about McDreamy, McLovin or McDonald’s but to whittle this director/artisan to a simplistic and petty name is juvenile and reminds me of grade school.

Here is a guy with severe panic attacks, a dead brother and a host of petty disrespect. Six-million-dollar paychecks do not leave much space for disrespect, let alone a feeling that you must bolster your ego in the public mentality. He doesn’t owe anyone anything! By next week, the fickle and petty Hollywood folks will be lauding him, talking about how he revamped the franchise, etc. The sheer money generated by “Terminator” and the fan hype might just garner him some salvation of his own.

I think he should change his name to McRich -- because he will be raking in so much more money.


So McG, rock on!

Richard Grace

