
More Manny

Bud Selig said that Manny Ramirez is proof that Major League Baseball’s drug tests work. Uh, Bud, if Manny’s fertility drug is typically used to offset the side effects of cycling off steroids, then why didn’t all the tests he passed show those to begin with? Selig continuously shows that the “B” in his name stands for “buffoon.”

Dan Vandermeulen



If Manny Ramirez is truly seeking redemption for the damage he has caused, I suggest a three-step process.

1. Insist on being called Manuel; Manny is a child’s name.

2. Cut your hair. You cannot be taken seriously if you have a bird’s nest on your head.

3. Show up at every Dodgers pregame session and work your butt off, without complaining, and do your job.


Kevin H. Park

