
Boxed in by Gitmo

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Re “U.S. retreats on accepting detainees,” June 12

How can we expect other nations to accept detainees if we do not have the courage to accept them ourselves? We made the mess of Guantanamo Bay, and we should be responsible enough to clean it up. It is the height of arrogance and hypocrisy to expect other nations to do that which we are unwilling to do.

Chris Apostal

Silver Lake

I suggest the prisoners in Guantanamo be sent home now. Perhaps even with a stipend for being kept so long without trial.

We have punished them sufficiently already. Let their own countries figure out what to do with them. We have no right to continued imprisonment of any of them.


The time has gone by for a speedy trial. Keeping them longer just violates American law and humane treatment.

Send them all home regardless of what punishment they may suffer, and close that infamous prison now.

We have brutalized our country’s laws and most of them as well.

Linda Jansz



Are we the most cowardly nation on Earth, or do we just have the most craven political leaders?


Our humiliating response to this situation is the best propaganda anti-American extremists could hope for, as it makes it look as if they really have terrorized us into betraying both our nation’s principles and our basic humanity.

I hope President Obama continues to stand up for doing the right thing.

John Miller



Re “Europeans balk at taking Guantanamo detainees,” June 13

Perhaps President Osama should have researched the situation before he tried to shut down the Guantanamo detention center.

The United States won’t accept the prisoners, nor will the Europeans.

The best solution might be to leave the current status as it is, or is that just too simplistic?


Stuart Nelson

Rancho Palos Verdes
