
A debate that’s far from settled

Re “Showdown on settlements,” editorial, May 30

In its editorial criticizing Israel for building settlements, The Times, almost as an afterthought, admits: “We do not believe that Israeli settlements are the whole problem or even the worst of the impediments to a meaningful peace.”

If that’s true, then why write the editorial in the first place? Instead, how about an editorial on the stubborn refusal of much of the Arab world, including many if not most Palestinians, to recognize Israel’s right to exist?

Israel has been struggling to be recognized as a sovereign state since 1948. How much longer must it wait? At some point, Israel has the legitimate right to say, “You have forfeited the right to demand any concessions from us.” That time has long since passed.


Bruce Friedman

Los Angeles


Like a spoiled child reared on entitlement, Israel is in denial to changing its ways.

When the parents (the U.S.) of the spoiled child (Israel) stop handing out an allowance (millions of dollars), reason may trump the sniveling and the tantrums.

Deborah Hoyle Lloyd

Palm Desert


A great editorial, worthy of a great newspaper. I admire President Obama’s honesty with regard to the “settlements.”

Israel has pressed on with these settlements regardless of U.S. or world opinion. There will never be peace between Israel and the Palestinians as long as they exist.


Obama deserves credit for speaking out against them, something the Bush administration seemed incapable of doing.

Eilish Kerrigan

Newbury Park


Why should Jews be forbidden to live in Arab countries? The Times’ editorial endorses the concept that Jews cannot live in a Palestinian state in the West Bank. The editorial does not state that there are many Arabs living peacefully in Israel.

After the state of Israel was created, Jews were expelled from Arab countries, or left because their lives were threatened. If a newly created Palestinian state includes some of the Jewish settlements, Jews and Palestinians would have the opportunity to live peacefully as neighbors.


What is unreasonable about this coexistence in the eyes of the Obama administration and The Times?

Jerome Hershman

Sherman Oaks


Finally The Times has found the courage to write an editorial condemning Israel’s settlements. It’s about time. Israel has violated international law for decades with impunity.

John Zavesky

