
No-win situation for wolves

Re “Is saving wolves killing wolves?” July 26

The plight of the Mexican wolf in its attempt to survive in the modern era clearly reflects the failure of those managing the population. They have lost the ability to truly understand what “wildlife” means.

Having worked for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in wolf research during the ‘80s, I have an understanding of what worked and what did not work.

Though the patience in allowing the wolf time to assimilate into a new environment is sorely lacking in the current management at the Fish and Wildlife Service, it’s the attitude of the cattlemen that is not allowing the wolf time to find its rightful place in its historic environs.


This isn’t about the loss of a small number of cows. It is really about territoriality, greed and a resistant point of view that private businessmen have more right to government land than an animal whose existence predates them by thousands of years.

Sandra Stafford



Thank you to Defenders of Wildlife for paying “ranchers as much as $3,000 for each animal killed by wolves.”

According to Caren Cowan, executive director of the New Mexico Cattle Growers’ Assn., that’s more than three times the animal’s worth.


Why can’t the ranchers be happy with this more-than-fair compensation and allow the wolves to live?

Stephanie Winnard

West Hills
