
Stretch the back

Voight is the creator of a line of fitness DVDs, including "Sleek Essential."

Gentle back bends are an important part of any workout. It’s ideal to do them before or after your abdominal training to help maintain a strong, flexible and balanced spine. This exercise --emphasizes muscles in your upper back.

-- Karen Voight

1 Lie on your abdomen -- your legs stretched behind you with your knees and ankles hip-width apart. Place the tops of your feet on the floor. Position your hands below your shoulders and tuck your elbows in to your body. Tighten the fronts of your thighs to lift your kneecaps off the floor, but keep your buttock muscles relaxed.

2 Inhale and slowly raise your head, chest and shoulders off the floor. Simultaneously reach your right arm out in front of you. Pause for two seconds. Focus on using only your upper back muscles and on not tightening your buttocks. Lower your chest to the floor and repeat, reaching forward with your left arm. Continue to alternate arms until you have done 16 on each side.



[email protected]
