
Filling the Cabinet

Re “Caught up in a tax revolt,” Feb. 4

Tom Daschle should be applauded for having courage enough to withdraw his nomination to be secretary of Health and Human Services when so many congressional leaders have displayed a willingness to overlook “inadvertent” lapses in judgment for the sake of an expeditious approval.

It makes me wonder just how pervasive such practices are throughout Congress.

Mike Pavlovich

Long Beach


Now we know why Democrats don’t want tax cuts: It’s because they don’t pay taxes.

Jack Buss



Instead of finding another lobbyist with unsavory ties to the insurance and pharmaceutical industries, President Obama should consider nominating David Kessler to the post of secretary of Health and Human Services.

As FDA commissioner under presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton, Kessler proposed that tobacco be regulated as a drug, although he did not succeed. When he was dean of UC San Francisco’s School of Medicine, he uncovered and spoke out against that institution’s financial irregularities, to the chagrin of its chancellor.


I think Kessler has the wisdom, experience and the political courage to succeed in this post.

Joseph Ho MD

