
Shrinking The Times

Re “Times to lay off 300, consolidate sections,” Business, Jan. 31

Sam Zell is at it again.

Not only did he raise The Times’ daily rate, and not only has he been laying off the high-quality reporters and other workers who, at one time, made The Times one of the nation’s most respected newspapers -- now he is consolidating the California section into the main section and laying off an additional 300 workers.

This means Zell will be contributing to our soaring unemployment rate, while the public will be getting a reduction in local, national and world news and, thus, paying more for less.

What a guy! If ever there were a good use for eminent domain, taking over The Times for the benefit of the public at large would be it.


Larry Gross

Los Angeles

The writer is executive director of the Coalition for Economic Survival.


I read daily of the shrinking Times, the shrinking staff and the shrinking profits of the bearded one in Chicago who does not even like newspapers. But I still get the same size bill.

I think that in these difficult times (pun intended), we will be taking a hard look at expenses on this end and will make necessary cuts, very likely including The Times.

Richard P. McDonough



As The Times continues its inexorable march to becoming a throwaway, it is good to see that the geniuses who are running this process of degrading a once-great newspaper have not lost their senses of humor. In today’s economic climate, combining obituaries with the Business section is worth a chuckle. At the same time, it makes a modicum of sense, with the two areas having more in common as each day passes.


Gary R. Levine

West Hills
