
Fringe stereotypes

Re “It’s not news to me,” Opinion, April 25

An interesting column, and I agree with Meghan Daum in many respects. The feud between Perez Hilton and Carrie Prejean is a laughable moment in America’s political history and “culture wars.”

But I think the story has legs for a different reason: It involves stereotypes that appeal to both factions.

For those on the right, you have a gay-rights zealot politicizing a nonpolitical event with a “gotcha” moment directed at an innocent but beautiful “damsel in distress.” Hilton blindsided Prejean with a question that was completely inappropriate for the circumstances in a cynical effort to promote himself and his agenda.


For those on the left, you have a high-profile representative of an oppressed minority clearly illustrating the vapidity of a blond bimbo and the intellectual failings of her dogmatic adherence to an outdated moral paradigm.

Who could ask for anything more?

Brian Baker

