
No surprises about LAX

Re “Runways, not glitz,” editorial, Nov. 22

When are we going to come to terms with the fact that the desires of the few cannot always trump the needs of the many -- in this case, those who bought homes next to an airport apparently only to discover later that airplanes are noisy?

LAX is by no means unique. At a recent Keston Institute forum on the 2006 infrastructure bonds, the attendees learned that only 10% of the bonds approved had been spent. State officials noted that because of regulatory and permitting delays, many projects will not be underway for years; that is certainly not what the voters expected.

In the case of LAX, we can study the problem indefinitely and the solution will be the same. Must we always wait for an avoidable tragedy to provide cover for tough decisions?


Richard G. Little

Los Angeles

The writer is director of the Keston Institute for Public Finance and Infrastructure Policy at USC.
