
Governor, listen to Maria

Re “Governor’s cuts stymie first lady’s idea,” July 14

Since 1954, the San Fernando Valley Assn. for the Retarded Inc. (New Horizons) has been serving people with developmental disabilities. We are heartened that the first lady of California realizes the importance of agencies, such as New Horizons, which ensure that people with mental retardation, autism, epilepsy and cerebral palsy are able to help themselves be a proud part of our community.

The governor’s proposed cuts will gravely impact the ability of New Horizons to provide services that allow our people to be independent. It will take away jobs for the disabled. We urge the governor, the Legislature and the people of California to not balance the state’s problems on the backs of California’s most fragile citizens.

Cynthia Kawa

Executive Director

New Horizons

North Hills
