
Signs of discontent

Re “L.A.’s secret ugly,” Opinion, April 3

Patt Morrison gives an excellent summary of the billboard companies’ scofflaw behavior in L.A. Only her remedy is seriously flawed. Proposing that we create an up-to-date list of where these billboards sit is a great idea. But proposing that we send this information to the wolf guarding the hen house, City Atty. Rocky Delgadillo, is surprisingly naive. After all, it was Delgadillo who permitted these billboard companies to “have their way” since the City Council passed the ordinance regulating billboards. Instead, a neutral website for this information is needed.

Marianne P. Brown

Los Angeles


Bravo to Morrison for her piece on ugly billboards and gutless politicians who have been known to allow cutting down trees that block signs. She reminded me of a poem:

“I think that I shall never see

A billboard lovely as a tree.

Perhaps, unless the billboards fall,

I’ll never see a tree at all.”

If the poet were alive today, he might have to write:

“I see again an outdoor panel

It’s another from Clear Channel

If from its stock we all withdrew

Perhaps we’d hear another view.”

(Apologies to Ogden Nash.)

Gene Rothman

Culver City
