
Garland renditions have them divided

THANK you so much for the review of Rufus Wainwright’s show at the Hollywood Bowl [“His Gal Judy,” Sept. 25]. Ann Powers really succeeded in putting into words what I saw and was feeling.

As a gay man of a certain age, I’m old enough to be a fan of Judy’s and still current enough to have discovered Mr. Wainwright for myself several years ago. For me it was a perfect evening, a blending of what I think of as Old World Homosexual and Post Stonewall Queer, a forward movement for all of us.

David X. Martinez

Los Angeles

JUDY GARLAND didn’t have a very large vocal range, but she was too much of a pro to ever sing material beyond her capacity. She was also noted for her almost perfect pitch, even in her sad last years. Narcissus Wainwright shouldn’t have re-created his idol’s concert if he couldn’t hit the notes and couldn’t stay on pitch -- neither of which he managed on amateur night at the Bowl Sunday.


Singing (and squeaking) flat is not pomo [post-modern] or camp, and he got worse as the night went on. It’s unfortunate that friends or handlers apparently wouldn’t tell him that he doesn’t have the chops; it’s even worse that critic Ann Powers didn’t do so.

Tony Arn

West Hollywood
