
On the Web

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* Hot enough for you? How are you keeping cool?

* Do home security alarms deter burglars? A Hollywood power couple don’t think so. What do you think?

* Should teens under 18 be banned from using cellphones -- including sending text messages -- when behind the wheel?

* Who should get custody of the New Orleans-area dog found in the wake of Hurricane Katrina?


Homicide Report

The Times’ Jill Leovy reports on homicides in L.A. County. Check out the interactive homicide map.

Weekend events

Check out The Times’ exclusive interactive databases. One offers a guide to weekend events and entertainment.

Daily Mirror

The Times’ Larry Harnisch takes us back to 1950s L.A. The latest: “The poor thing died as hardboiled as she had lived: Renting a junky room in an old house that had been cut up into apartments. The landlord said she’d been sick for the last week. He was another writer, like her, and I wonder if he took her in because he felt sorry for her.”

