
Getting teachers to give back

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Re “Refunds sought from teachers,” Nov. 10

Surely, some of those 36,000 educated teachers knew there could be problems when switching over to a new computerized payroll system.

Genie Penn has a graduate degree in business, is teaching our children -- and didn’t notice she was getting overpaid? If Penn represents Los Angeles Unified School District teachers, it would appear that district teachers are entitled to keep erroneous overpayments at the taxpayers’ expense. Doesn’t Penn feel a slight bit of guilt for her peers who were underpaid? I wouldn’t welcome the tax implications either, but I think most of the general public would know that payroll errors will be found and corrected.

Shame on those who do not feel an ethical responsibility to repay what did not belong to them in the first place. What does this say about those who are teaching our children?


Deana Bernard



Shouldn’t the LAUSD get its money back from Deloitte Consulting before going after the teachers? Just a thought.

John Mullaney

San Pedro
