
In politicians we don’t trust

Re “She wants a higher power at City Hall,” Oct. 28

I am an atheist, and I am tired of people disregarding my feelings in an attempt to push theirs on me. Bakersfield City Council member Jacquie Sullivan says, “ ‘In God We Trust’ is a perfect expression of what it takes to be a good American.” I don’t think she has any idea of what a “good American” is. I would put my credentials as a “good American” up against anyone, especially Sullivan. She can trust in God all she wants, but don’t tell me I have to too.

Rich Rudy

San Diego


I question the reasoning of Chad Vegas, a Kern County pastor who wants “In God We Trust” posters in classrooms and describes opponents as “a group of liberal secular atheists who hate God, who are not patriotic.” How can secularists hate someone they don’t believe exists?

David C. Campbell

Los Angeles
