
A little respect for deputies, please

Re “Just the facts,” editorial, May 25

Your editorial states that instead of attracting recruits to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, the reality TV show “The Academy” may make them “think twice.” I am surprised that The Times has an issue with thinking twice. What would politics, the media, schools, our driving be like if people actually thought twice before making a life-altering decision? My wife successfully completed the sheriff’s academy 12 years ago, and we watched the first episode of “The Academy” recalling her experiences, just as stressful and raw then as now.

Each day these brave individuals leave their ordinary homes to do extraordinary deeds. They keep thousands of inmates at bay. They patrol areas as diverse as Compton and Malibu. Then they go home, feed the kids, clean the pool and watch “American Idol.” “Dragnet” was a cakewalk compared to what these recruits will face. That is why “The Academy” has to be “too real,” and your editorial page should respect that.


