
Foolery most excellent

YOU can win this one by a nose: On May 21 at New York City’s Kraine Theater, the New York Downtown Clown organization will present the first Golden Nose Awards, honoring “clown excellence” in a variety of nose-worthy categories including audience choice best clown and clown of the year. Suggested attire: nose-optional.

Among the first honorees, for clown achievement of the year, are David Foster and Ross Mollison, producers of “Slava’s Snowshow,” a critical and popular clown-around hit at UCLA’s Royce Hall during the holiday season.

Why single out the jester set? “We realized that there wasn’t anything like this happening,” says Amanda Pekoe, co-producer of the ceremony with Christopher Lueck. “We wanted the opportunity to award excellence, not only for clown achievement but for the clown audience. We wanted to make that happen for the clowns.”


-- Diane Haithman
