
A slippery slope for Kosovo

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Re “Kosovo needs independence, mediator says,” March 27

Martti Ahtisaari, the Kosovo mediator, needs a solid lesson in international law. The same applies to the U.S. government, which according to the article “strongly backs independence for Kosovo.” The United Nations would be trampling on its own charter by ripping the province of Kosovo from Serbia and handing it to those who constitute the majority, i.e. Kosovo’s Albanians.

It should also be noted that 40% of the Albanians who came to Kosovo over the decades were illegal aliens from Albania who entered Serbia through its porous border with Albania. Sounds somewhat similar to the dilemma the United States has with illegal aliens who enter California from Mexico. So, following the logic of Ahtisaari and the U.S., could there not be some such future scenario vis-a-vis California?

The U.S. and its NATO allies are recklessly lobbying for the emergence of an intolerant, ethnically cleansed Islamic state, and in so doing are ignoring all recognized global constitutional norms and international law. They began on this slippery slope in 1999 with their illegal invasion of a sovereign Yugoslavia, which had posed no threat to the U.S. or to any of the other NATO countries.



Edmonton, Canada
