
Democrats held to account for Iraq

Re “Betraying their base -- the Democrats can do it too,” Opinion, March 20

Democrats should be held accountable for their campaign promises, as Jonah Goldberg points out. However, the Democrats deserve more than a few months before we declare “mission unaccomplished.” In fact, they have already served their base well -- by holding the Bush administration accountable for the first time since the president took office.

A six-year winter finally begins to thaw, and Goldberg moans that summer hasn’t yet arrived. First things first.


Los Angeles


Goldberg needs remedial high school government classes. Short of impeaching and being able to convict President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, the Democrats have absolutely no constitutional power to stop the war in Iraq. Even a spending bill to cut funding for the surge would not see the light of day because the president could still veto it. So how can Goldberg compare the Democrats’ “failings” to the GOP’s unparalleled corruption, fiscal irresponsibility and erosion of personal liberties that have alienated the traditional conservatives in its base?



Granada Hills


Goldberg strikes a nerve in Democrats, myself included. The war in Iraq has continued to escalate without fear from Bush. The time for political correctness has lapsed. The funding must be cut or the Democrats will face a thumping of their own in 2008.


North Dartmouth, Mass.
