
U.S. foreign policy draws criticism

Re “Suicide blast kills at least 130 in Baghdad,” Feb. 4

Further down in the article, it says that 73 people were killed in the southern city of Hillah on Thursday. If we keep this up -- killing Iraqi citizens -- we can easily take over the place for ourselves.

Keep it up, President Bush. That’s a great solution.


Woodland Hills


Re “U.S. can’t yet prove Iran link to Iraq strife,” Feb. 3

Are we criticizing Iran’s alleged involvement in Iraq because we don’t like its politics, or because we think it’s immoral to destabilize another government? Let’s remember that in the 1980s the U.S. supported the mujahedin against the Soviets in Afghanistan and the Nicaraguan Contra rebels against the government there.

People died as a result of the bullets we bought. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.



Los Angeles
