
Death penalty bans gain steam

Re “Bill to abolish death penalty becomes law,” Dec. 18

Because New Jersey has not executed anyone since 1963, the state’s formal abolition of the death penalty is ho-hum. In fact, except for Texas, Florida, Virginia and Missouri, states rarely carry out the death penalty. California has more than 600 inmates on death row and executes only a couple a year -- do the math. I believe murderers deserve to be executed, but all states will probably ban it in this century.

Sol Taylor

Sherman Oaks

It’s a great sign that a state has taken the initiative to do away with the archaic and barbaric practice known as the death penalty. Why shouldn’t California follow suit? New Jersey only had eight men on death row, yet its decision will save millions of dollars. It’s time for California to take an important step toward fiscal responsibility and abolish the death penalty.

Samuel Weiner

San Francisco

New Jersey has made one giant leap for humanity: ending state killing. It will never run the risk of executing an innocent person, which as we know has happened in the past and continues to happen as our flawed justice system in America arbitrarily deals out the death card. The remaining death penalty states should follow suit.


Nancy Oliveira

San Francisco
