
The mall shooting: anger and anguish

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Re “Deadly rampage at the mall,” Dec. 6

Other than in the media, where is the outrage at another civilian blood bath in mainstream America? How is it that Americans can simply shrug off another psychotic murderer and go about their business as though this kind of horror will never happen to them? Why do lawmakers go unscathed? The issue of gun control is waylaid by the 2nd Amendment. Law enforcement never addresses the root cause of mindless violence but answers with higher levels of police presence.

Daniel Kowbell



In regard to this latest act of mindless violence in Omaha, I suggest that the media respond to these events in a more helpful way.

Why not utilize the Federal Communications Commission’s authority to ask public media to broadcast a series of public forums, with expert testimony and the teaching of nonviolence?


The broadcast media are not innocent -- by repeating these news stories without due diligence in follow-up public discussion, the me-me of absurd and needless violence spreads like a virus. Let those empowered to display the violence in our homes every day for once act in the best interests of our morally-spent nation.

Julian Phillips

Santa Margarita
